Another open-sky community class

It was awesome to see all of you – a dozen old and new yoginis – lengthening and strengthening your bodies and minds under the tree tops of Lincoln Park. Today’s reading was about standing in your fear. Thank you!

Yoga at CHAW. Sign up plz!

Am delighted to announce that I will be teaching a weekly vinyasa class at CHAW 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays, starting June 23. Classes will be $15 a piece, which is a bargain (the nearest yoga studio charges $18 per class…). So, please go to or call202-547-6839 to register. Come join me!    

Four more classes at VIDA

Am happy to announce that I have picked up four more classes at VIDA starting in June. They will be at the U Street location which is going to be a state-of-the-art facility with a roof-top pool, gardens etc. Exciting.

Awesome community class

Thank you to all twelve who came out to do yoga in the park today. It was a great time and I look forward to seeing all of you – and maybe others – next Friday 🙂

Yoga for all

Back in 2005 I stepped into my first yoga class at Results in search of relief in muscles and mind. It worked. Now, I hope to help others find that same relief – peace – through yoga.